
Why Link Year?

Our curriculum and culture is based off of what we call ‘The Seven Pillars.’ This concept is taken from Proverbs 9:1 – Wisdom has built her house, she has raised her seven pillars. These pillars help our staff and students weather the storms of their lives because of they have a strong foundation in Scripture.

From these pillars, everything else flows. During their time at Link Year, students will have the opportunity to form seven biblically based pillars of their own which they can carry with them beyond their time at Link Year. These personal seven pillars which are rooted in God’s Word give students a foundation that will not be shaken.

We are passionate about discipleship, relationships, identity, vision, and empowerment. We are driven by these 5 core values because they are grounded in Scripture; we see such fruit come from our program when we embrace these values!

Why Link Year is
Your Best Investment

Everyone you know is a disciple of something. You’re either a disciple of a culture that’s attempting to force you into its image, or a disciple of Jesus Christ – being molded and shaped into whom He desires you to be.

Link Year is a place for you to discover the foundations of your faith, to better understand how God has wired you and seeks to work through you.

Our program equips you to do more than go to a university and return with a degree – it encourages you to go and be an influencer for your generation.

When you look at the 'Three C's' formula
for choosing a Gap Year program,
Link Year just makes sense...


Our staff members are people of integrity. A huge advantage to Link Year is that we have so many high-quality staff members that get excited to disciple our Link students. We want to introduce students to positive, high-caliber, and Godly individuals that they can emulate in daily interactions and personal growth.


We offer fantastic scholarship programs which provide opportunities for students who may not otherwise be able to come.


The goal of Link Year is to provide a positive transition from one step to the next step, whether that be from High School into the career world, college, the missions field, or elsewhere. Through a Bible-Based foundation, we want to help students develop their spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing in a holistic way. Link Year is not all classroom time nor is it all travel and experience; We are constantly evolving the program to be a healthy mixture of both. We work with students in building their own faith, and using that building block to then help them build the vision they see for themselves. We also have partnerships with a few colleges! Since the program’s inception, we have offered at least one academic partnership at John Brown University, and we’ve since increased it with Grand Canyon University and Dallas Baptist University.


Link Year is a 8 month Foundational Biblical Gap Year Program designed to build a solid foundation within each student. This program is passionate about further developing strengths within each student that attends our program through unique gap year experiences

“I came into this program thinking I was a Christian, but through this year have realized that I only had head knowledge of being a Christian – there was a disconnect between my head and my heart. The Lord has used this year to reveal that the life I was living was not for Him and I’m now able to see how desperately I need Him. In December I gave my life to the Lord, and since then I’ve only continued to grow closer to Him.”
Annie S.
Class of 2021

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